Thursday, 22 May 2014

Gambling Addiction:10 Ways To Stop Gambling And Stop The Harm Now

Gambling Addiction

Gambling addiction is brutal and highly destructive addiction. This addiction has many consequences that run the gamut from bankruptcy, job loss, depression, anxiety, loss of friends and family.. and of course suicide. This is why it is important for the addict to stop gambling or mminimize gambling harm sooner rather than later.

There is nobody that can be spared of a gambling addiction.If the propensity is there and you cross over that invisible line into problem gambling or gambling addiction, it will not discriminate.

If you are young, old, rich or poor, female, male, hispanic, educated, or uneducated, it really does not matter.This addiction does not care how intelligent you are, how wealthy you are,or how kind you are. An addiction to gambling sends people to jail, causes major social and occupation problems, mental instability,emotional breakdown, financial devastation, and even death. When a person with this addiction does not stop gambling the consequences are truly devastating.

Studies have show that gambling addiction has the highest rate of suicide of all addictions combined. This is most likely due to the financial consequences and gambling debt that can go on for ye

When people stop drinking.. they stop drinking and most likely can resume their lives as before. This is not to say that there are no lasting consequences to drinking or drug use.. there are, but most drug, alcohol, food, or sex addicts are not destroyed financially, having debts to pay back for years and years of their life.

This is where gambling addiction is different. It can affect the life of an addict for years to come. This is why it is so important to get help now... and find ways to get on with your life... reclaim your life, and empower yourself to get better.

It is not easy to quit gambling when you have a gambling addiction or a gambling problem. There are some ways, however, that you can help yourself before your life falls into shambles and you get to the point of no return. Here are 10 ways to help you to stop gambling so you can reclaim your life and restore yourself to a healthy way of thinking and living.
10 Ways To Help Quit Gambling Now

Here are 10 ways to help you quit gambling when you have a compulsive gambling addiction and your life is falling apart. These stop gambling tips will help you to get started on your way,

1. Make a decision on a given day when you wake up that you will not gamble. Decide that for this one day you will not gamble. If you have to do it an hour at a time, this is okay. Sometimes you may have to do it a minute at a time. This is okay, as you are promising yourself in a given moment that you will not gamble. Schedule your day in a very structured way so you do not have a lot of free time. This can really help a lot, as you will have no time to gamble.

2. Find something at that time to replace your gambling. One of the ways to quit gambling is to be able to find healthy replacements that will substitute for your gambling activities. Exercise, go shopping, go out with friends, or do some cooking. You can also rent a movie, or listen to some soft music or do some reading. Anything, and I mean anything not to go back to gambling. Your goal is to stop gambling, or at least begin to reduce gambling harm. I know that it is not easy, especially when you get such a high from your gambling. Doing these replacements, however, can help in some way. I empathize with the struggle that this can cause. Gambling can be such a powerful high, and replacing is never easy. I just suggest that you try, and see how it goes.

3. Remember the feeling when you leave the casino or lost a lot of money in an online casino or through sports betting. Think about how bad it feels when you lose a lot of money. Remember that feeling, and allow yourself to feel that despondency when you are having thoughts about gambling again. Sometimes these feelings can mimic exactly how you feel after a gambling binge. This can really deter you from going out and placing a bet. I have done this before, and just felt the feeling of the drive home from the casino. I must admit that these feelings have stopped me from taking that ride to the casino. Not all the time, but many times this tool has helped me.

4. Read as much as you can about gambling addiction. Educate yourself about the different types of gambling, and especially the type of gambling you participate in. Find out what type of gambler you are and whether or not you have a gambling problem and have crossed over this invisible line. Are you an escape gambler or an action gambler? Find out what some of your triggers are as this can help a lot. When you read about gambling addiction, especially the power that slots/pokies, fobt can have on our psyche, you may think twice about going out and placint that bet.

5. Purchase self help for gambling addiction books, or courses, or just regular books about gambling addiction. In addition, self-hypnosis for gambling problems are also shown to be helpful. In addition, join some Gambling Addiction/Gambling Problem forums online, or if you do not join, just read people's stories. When you read peoples' stories of gambling addiction you will realize that you are not alone. This is important, because sometimes as addicts and problem gamblers, we think that we are the only one with this problem This is really very far from the truth. You are really not alone, and many share the same plight as you. They are looking for answers, as well as support from other gamblers.

6. You may want to attend your nearest Gamblers Anonymous meeting for group support. There is also an online self help program called "Smart Recovery" if you are not into the 12 Steps. 12 Steps are not for everyone, however, it does not mean that you cannot join another support group. Having support from other gamblers who want to get better can be an important piece of your recovery.

7. Have a close family member handle your money. If you do not have money on your person, you will be less apt to impulsively go out and gamble this money away. This may be hard, but this will be an important step in your recovery. In addition, do not allow yourself access to ATM or credit cards. Just keep a small amount of cash with you so you are not tempted to spend the money gambling.

8. Make a list about how your gambling problem has affected your life in a negative way. Write as much as you can and list this in order. Do this on the left column of a sheet of paper so you have room on the right side. On the right side right about how your life will change for the better when you stop gambling.

9. Talk to a debt counselor about your gambling debts to relieve financial pressure and find out how to solve financial problems caused by your problem. This is important, because the financial stress that you have from gambling addiction debts can actually drive you back to gambling if not addressed. This is the strongest and most powerful consequence of this problem, and there is help available. Be sure to use a non-profit debt-help agency, and not one that is for-profit.

10. See a counselor that specializes in addictions, especially gambling, and talk to this person about your problem. This is truly important, because if your addiction is severe, you will need as much support as you can possibly get to stop gambling now.

Overall, gambling addiction is one of the hardest addictions to beat. It is also one of the most dangerous, because of the high suicide rate that is related to it.

If you have a gambling problem, try to quit gambling now, or at least try to reduce harm by gambling less. Put obstacles in your way of gambling such as casino self-exclusion. This can help a lot as well.

When you stop gambling, your life will improve, and you will reclaim your life that you once had before.

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